News Article
June 5, 2016

Second Careers in Law workshop 9 July 2016 at Inner Temple

Challenges for tomorrow's lawyers

Following on the tremendous success of last year’s event,  Inner Temple is once again sponsoring BFUWI’s Careers in Law workshop. The workshop features a number of well-known lawyers from the Caribbean diaspora and beyond.  Once again, lawyers enthusiastically responded to the approach to speak at this event which aims to provide our young students with information about how to get into the legal profession and the range of opportunities and options which are available. The event continues BFUWI’s outreach commitment to young people in the diaspora; earlier this year BFUWI participated in a twelve week GCSE STEM pilot scheme to help students prepare for their exams.

Inner Temple is one of the four Inns of Court to which every barrister must belong ( ), and  it is sponsoring this event to reinforce its commitment to get more disadvantaged and minority students into the profession which is often viewed as elitist.

There are four sessions which cover:                                               

  • Skills and qualifications necessary to become a lawyer;
  • The future of the profession
  • Life in practice;
  • In conversation with Courtenay Griffiths Q.C.


    Tickets cost £5.00 which will be donated to a hardship fund for students                                      studying at UWI in the Caribbean


    The British Foundation for the University of the West Indies

    in collaboration with the

    The Inner Temple

    Invite students (aged 16-18), parents and teachers to attend a legal workshop


    ‘Careers in Law: challenges for tomorrow’s lawyers’

    On 9 July 2016  10.00am – 4.00 pm


    At the Inner Temple (Hall, Treasurer’s Building)

    London EC4Y 7HL

    (enter from Tudor St, nearest Tube Blackfriars)

    The workshop is designed to assist students from the Caribbean diaspora, ethnic minority students and/or those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Admission cost £5.00 whihc will be donated to a fund for students in the Caribbean.

    Careers in law - Eventbrite link


    There will also be a networking lunch where students will get to meet lawyers from a number of disciplines and get to ask them questions. Minority ethnic lawyers share their experiences and provide practical tips. Speakers include HHJudge Barbara Mensah, Leslie Thomas Q.C, Richard Wilson Q.C,  lecturers as well as lawyers who work or have worked in private practice, public sector, EHRC, banking,  city firms and at the Commonwealth Secretariat.  

Students will learn:

           - what are the best subjects to study;

           - what extra curricula activities are helpful;

           - what personal qualities make a good lawyer; 

           - what is the difference between a barrister and a solicitor;

           - how to get work experience, pupillage and training contracts;

           - where the profession is headed and how you can best prepare yourself. 

Practitioners can speak about a range of specialisations including administrative law, commercial law, criminal law, employment and discrimination, actions against the police, education law,  inquests, personal injury and clinical negligence, property law.  The registration fee of £5.00 per student will go towards a hardship bursary fund for students studying at the University of the West Indies in the Caribbean.


Careers in Law: Challenges for  tomorrow’s lawyers





 9.30 am

Registration  - The Inner Temple Hall


Welcome –

Patrick Maddams – Sub Treasurer, Inner Temple

Susan Belgrave, Barrister, Trustee BFUWI

Location: Hall

10.15 -11.15

What skills will tomorros’s lawyers need – interactive session


Colin Bobb-Semple - former Senior Lecturer at Inns of Court School of Law

Terry Brathwaite – Senior Lecturer, Coventry University

Professor Gus John (chair)

Priscilla Mensah – President Cambridge Students’ Union

Ian Rajaratnam – paralegal Leigh Day

Location: Hall



Short break (Tea, Coffee etc)

Location: Hall


Future of the profession

Panel Discussion and Question & Answer Session

Dawn Brathwaite – Partner Mills and Reeves

Penny Carballo-Smith – Director Future Think (chair)

HH Judge Barbara Mensah, Luton Crown Court

Bianca Stewart, Associate Covingtons

Richard Wilson Q.C.  Joint Head of Chambers, 36 Bedford Row




Working lunch - Meet the lawyers

Discuss areas of practice with lawyers over lunch.  Specific tables will cover: commercial and banking, employment, crime, human rights, legal training, judicial review, international practice; personal injury and clinical negligence, actions against the police and inquests


Life in practice

Panel Discussion and Question & Answer Session

Rosemarie Cadogan  – Commonwealth Secretariat – legal division

Paul McFarlane – Partner, Weightmans

Razia Karim –  Office of the Financial Ombudsman

David Stephenson, Barrister 1 Mitre Court (Chair)

Leslie Thomas Q.C  Garden Court


15.00 -15.45

Master Desiree Artesi, Bencher of Inner Temple, in conversation with Courtenay Griffiths Q.C

A life in the law




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